Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Travelling to Kent

Most of those travelling to Kent will pass London using the M25. What a nightmare that experience is. Unless you choose a very early morning run, you can expect holdups. Sometimes you can never understand after crawling and in stop-start traffic and sudden release why ever you were in the jam in the first place.

Traffic can build up at exits from the M25 at peak times. Accidents which seem few for the amount of cars on the road and the speed of some drivers (90 plus mph). But an accident will cause a closed motorway for hours.

The official motorway speed limit in the whole of England is 70 mph and the majority of drivers keep to that limit. There are some who believe they are above the law and treat the British motorways (including the M25) as German Autobahns.

Roadworks are usually covered by a camera average speed device. The speed limit is usually sent at 50 mph. A suggestion is if your car has a cruise control you set it at 50 and drive merrily along. You will find you will be able to pass some using only their foot and brain as they seem to average 48-49 mph. There are always ones who will want to break the limit.  Don't be encouraged by them to do the same. It is you that will pay your fine not them.

There are helpful websites to check what is happening on the M25

M25 Reports

Anticlockwise (inner circle)

Clockwise (outer circle)

Dartford Crossing

M25 Traffic Report & Roadworks

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